
What Are PIP Benefits?

In the State of Maryland, it is mandatory for all drivers to carry car insurance by a state-recognized provider. In order to protect yourself and others, it is required that your policy covers a minimum of $15,000 for property damage, $30,000 for bodily injuries, and at least $60,000 for the coverage of two or more individuals. In addition to these minimums, Maryland offers something called “personal injury protection,” also known as PIP insurance. What does PIP insurance do?

Basically, personal injury protection covers medical bills for any injuries you may have obtained during an accident, as well as other expenses you’ve had to endure in the wake of your injuries and wages that have been lost as a result. The policy plan has also been referred to as “no-fault insurance” because it does not matter who caused the accident in order to receive compensation.

In addition, PIP holders have the potential to recover twice as much for their damages – in cases where the other driver is at fault, you are able to recover wages and medical expenses from both their insurance company and yours. Otherwise, since Maryland follows a “contributory negligence” rule, you are only eligible to recover compensation if you are not at fault for the accident that led to your injuries.

Interested in learning more? Have you or a loved one been involved in an automobile accident? Contact me today for a free consultation!